World Summit AI

The world’s leading and largest AI summit gathers the global AI ecosystem of Enterprise, Big Tech, Startups, Investors and Science, the brightest brains in AI as speakers every October in Amsterdam to tackle head-on the most burning AI issues and set the global AI agenda.

+ 6 000


+ 700

Data Leaders


+ 200 



Join the New Gen

Entreprise AI with 


Workshop 1 : Cleanse, leverage and visualize large datasets

Discover how to add value to your data with papAI, our solution offers the ability to integrate data from many different sources and clean it up, then visualize it with a large number of available charts (simple, 3D and maps).

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Workshop 2 : Discover the Times Series Forecasting

The feature “Times Series forecasting” on papAI platform is used to study the past of a series, and predict its future with a set of best and latest machine learning and statistical models that gives better precision possible.

World Summit AI Datategy

Workshop 3 : Explainable AI papAI for decision-makers

Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) has become a major issue for decision-makers (GM, CEO, CDO, CMO…), Discover the power of the papAI platform through personalized use cases.

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